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Ram Bridge (Adams Bridge) Is it Man made or Sand bank?

Friday, December 21, 2007

Adams Believed to be built by Lord Ram( God of Hindus). Nasa said that it cannot confirm that this is a man made bride. But it doesn't rule out man was involved. Image shows sand bank connecting india and srilanka.

Valmiki who wrote Ramayana have mentioned that the bridge has been built by Ram to relieve sita from clutches of Ravana.

Nala believed to be mastermind to build this bridge. But these all come only when they came to know that a sand bank is seen in the picture.

Government proposed project Sethu project which can attract more than $600 direct investment. Now this project in the stage of completion, where it has been put on hold because of this historical bridge. Government also withdrawn a affidavit filed in supreme court - proves that they do believe that it may have been man made.

Now the question is if the bridge found to be true, will the government make alternate way to complete this project or to just drop it. Or will it go ahead with strong opposition from the large community hindu, Rama believed by them as a great god.

whether this project should go ahead regardless of hindus religious sentiments just by breaking the bridge and making way for the sethu project. Or Bridge should be protected for its history.

More on Government Project : Sethu Samudram Project

Historic Findings on Adams Bridge : Historic Rama


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Whales origin discovered! Lived in India before 53 million years ago!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Scientist has discovered evolution of whales in India. Scientists strongly believe that four leg mammals were transformed in to cetaceans (whales, dolphins & Porpoises). Scientists found the lower jaw of the whale in subathu rock in the northern parts of india before 12 years ago.

Oldest accepted fossil whale is pakicetus found in middle ecocene rocks that comes from india before 50 millions years. These species lived in early eocene cpoch

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Man-sized sea scorpion claw found!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The immense fossilised claw of a 2.5m-long (8ft) sea scorpion has been described by European researchers.

The size of the beast suggests that spiders, insects, crabs and similar creatures were much larger in the past than previously thought, the team says.

The claw itself measures 46cm - indicating its owner would have been longer even than the average-sized human. Overall, it exceeds the record for any other sea scorpion (eurypterid) find by nearly 50cm.

The scorpions are thought to have made their first scuttles on to land about 450 million years ago.

More : Man-sized Scorpion
Source : BBC


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A380 overtakes the Boeing 747

Friday, November 2, 2007

The A380 overtakes the Boeing 747 jumbo jet as the biggest in the world

The biggest jetliner in the world touched down safely in Sydney, seven hours after taking off from Singapore's Changi Airport on its inaugural flight. It looks as tall as 7 storey building, carried 445 passengers. The first passenger on board was the highest-paying, Briton Julian Hayward.

The plane carried two top chefs, one from Singapore and one from Sydney, who cooked up duck breast, lobster, wok-fried beef and noodles for the passengers.

The Airbus A380 can accommodate up to 853 passengers on an all-economy flight but Singapore Airlines had opted for more space and comfort with just 471 seats.

60 business-class seats and has 12 luxury suites for first-class passengers(flat-screen TVs and full-length beds with designer sheets) costs around €14,000.

Airbus has 180 orders for its A380 superjumbo, 55 of which will be going to Dubai-based Emirates.


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Pentagon Plane Crash - Most of the questions were not answered........

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Pentagon - Image from google map

Unexplained! Watch and Decide


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TRMM - Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is a joint mission between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) designed to monitor and study tropical rainfall.

TRMM, one of the first spacecraft in NASA’s EOS (Earth Observing System), returns long-term data on rainfall and energy budget measurements which will be used to better understand global climate changes and their mechanisms
First ever satellite to find the intensity of hurricane, finds out where it would rain most and the intensity.

This helps the scientist to predict accurate results.
Its used for monitoring atmospheric changes in ocean, not for the daily rain measurement. It helps to study the intensity of Rainfall, how the rainfall occurs, which produced the most rain.

The TRMM orbit is circular and is at an altitude of 218 nautical miles (350 km) and an inclination of 35 degrees to the Equator.

The spacecraft takes about 91 minutes to complete one orbit around the Earth. This orbit allows for as much coverage of the tropics and extraction of rainfall data over the 24-hour day (16 orbits) as possible.

The Precipitation Radar is the first spaceborne instrument designed to provide three-dimensional maps of storm

The TRMM Microwave Imager to provide quantitative rainfall information over a wide swath under the TRMM satellite

The Visible and Infrared Scanner is one of the three instruments in the rain-measuring package and serves as a very indirect indicator of rainfall

Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System as well as estimates energy levels within the atmosphere and at the Earth's surface

The Lightning Imaging Sensor is a small, highly sophisticated instrument that detects and locates Lightning over the tropical region of globe


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Rion-Antirion Bridge - Greece

T171Greece had the great dream of a bridge crossing the 3 km Corinth Gulf strait. Bridge built in such a way it could withstand extreme weather conditions.

The Rion- Antirion bridge will be the longest cable stayed bridge in the world with a continuous deck of 2,250 meters.

The bridge will facilitate communication between Greece and Italy (and thus Western Europe) through the harbors of Patras and Igoumenitsa.


The Rion-Antirion bridge is connecting two major roads:

  • the Patras - Athens - Thessaloniki motorway which links the three most important cities of Greece and forms part of the European motorway network,
  • the Kalamata - Patras - Igoumenitsa Western axis.

The bridge environment presents an exceptional combination of adverse physical conditions:

  • water depth up to 65 m
  • weak sea bed - Sea bed reinforcement ( by 65 meter water dep

  • th), 90 meters diameter piers & a 2,252 m fully suspended deck (a world record).
  • strong seismic activity and possible tectonic movements
  • T171

The Rion-Antirion bridge is built to withstand a collision of a 180.000 tons tanker, wind speed of 250 km per hour and over 7 Richter scale earthquake.

EURO 800 million spent for Construction
  • 10% Share capital
  • 45% State financial contribution
  • 45% Loan from European Investment Bank guaranteed by a pool of commercial banks.

    Interactive Bridge


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