Adams Believed to be built by Lord Ram( God of Hindus). Nasa said that it cannot confirm that this is a man made bride. But it doesn't rule out man was involved. Image shows sand bank connecting india and srilanka.

Valmiki who wrote Ramayana have mentioned that the bridge has been built by Ram to relieve sita from clutches of Ravana.

Government proposed project Sethu project which can attract more than $600 direct investment. Now this project in the stage of completion, where it has been put on hold because of this historical bridge. Government also withdrawn a affidavit filed in supreme court - proves that they do believe that it may have been man made.
Now the question is if the bridge found to be true, will the government make alternate way to complete this project or to just drop it. Or will it go ahead with strong opposition from the large community hindu, Rama believed by them as a great god.
whether this project should go ahead regardless of hindus religious sentiments just by breaking the bridge and making way for the sethu project. Or Bridge should be protected for its history.
More on Government Project : Sethu Samudram Project
Historic Findings on Adams Bridge : Historic Rama